Admissions and Applications


The world needs Biologists more than ever

OCR H420 Specification

A Level Biology is a highly rewarding course where you will develop an understanding of the anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry of a vast range of living organisms and their interactions within the environments in which they live. It is about exploring the natural world and developing the knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the flora and fauna that inhabit our Earth.

It is a highly regarded qualification by universities not only due to the academic demands of the course but because students develop their ability to ask questions and build connections between all of the different areas of Biology.

Lessons will consist of class discussions, practical based tasks, use of computers for extended research and investigation design and problem-solving activities. We also offer opportunities to use innovative biotechnology equipment in Year 13 (in conjunction with John Innes Centre, Norwich), so students can conduct genetic experiments that would otherwise not be possible in a school setting.

You will study:

Biology A Level builds on your GCSE knowledge and quickly progresses to an advanced level of application. Cells and biological molecules are the foundation in which other new areas of study will build upon such as genome sequencing and structures of cell membranes.

  • In Year 1, you will study: Components of living organisms, exchange and transport, biodiversity, evolution and disease.

  • In Year 2, you will study: Communication, homeostasis and energy, genetics, evolution and ecosystems.

In both years practical work and modelling will further support your understanding of each biological topic.


It is examined by three exam papers. The examinations will potentially cover all aspects of Biology content covered in both Year 12 and 13, along with knowledge gained from practical skills. In addition, a practical skills endorsement is also gained by students completing a minimum of 12 assessed practical investigations. These are assessed by the teacher within lesson time and cover a range of competencies and skills.

Careers/Further Education

Biology will enable you to enter a wide range of science and non-science related courses including: Forestry, Sports Science, Environmental Studies, Medicine, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Radiography, Pharmacy, Occupational or Speech Therapy, Biochemistry, Marine Biology, Plant Biology, Physiology, Veterinary Medicine, Dentistry.

For more information please contact Miss Lucas

Our Schools

Synergy Multi-Academy Trust comprises fifteen Norfolk schools serving children between the ages of 2 and 18. Our schools work collaboratively together to raise standards and provide education of the highest possible standard, offering the best of opportunities for pupils. The Trust was initially established in 2015. We believe that all of our schools have strengths and areas to develop, and that all can improve through sharing expertise and wisdom. The Trust understands that there will be excellent practice in each school, and that every school will be able to contribute to the development of the Trust as a whole.

Our Schools

Synergy Multi-Academy Trust comprises fifteen Norfolk schools serving children between the ages of 2 and 18. Our schools work collaboratively together to raise standards and provide education of the highest possible standard, offering the best of opportunities for pupils. The Trust was initially established in 2015. We believe that all of our schools have strengths and areas to develop, and that all can improve through sharing expertise and wisdom. The Trust understands that there will be excellent practice in each school, and that every school will be able to contribute to the development of the Trust as a whole.